Vu d'exposition, Galerie Waley art, Taipei, Taiwan, 2016

Son demo


Série de 8 Photographies imprimées jet d'encre, 90 x 90 cm
Installation Sonore,
Video, 6 minutes,

The temporary and special status of being the "foreign student", leads me think about identity issues. How does this temporary situation affect the individual’s life profoundly? When people leave the homeland and stay in a foreign country due to their studies, what do they see from the perspective of migratory bird?
The mask ensures neutrality of participants by hiding their personalities and phenotypic characteristics. For the audience, this anonymity creates a fictional community. The looks and gestures of the participants evoke myths and sacred meaning. It is a community whose identified otherness reveals the notion of "border": When someone crossed the border, the "I" can eventually become the "Other".
In the sound recording, the alternation of the texts in both mother tongue and French is not only a symbol of tension between two cultures, but also the development and enrichment of the identity under the influence of life abroad.